800 Upper Rd., San Rafael, Ca. 94903 - 2800+- sq ft Single Family Dwelling featuring Advanced Energy “V2H” design - once in a lifetime SF Bay and wetlands view setting
Ultimate serenity and privacy in a Bay View / Bay access setting
N+E (Net Positive Energy) design with advanced V2H (Vehicle to Home energy) provides unparalleled energy security and flexibility
passive House methodology for ultimate healthy home and energy savings
Pierson Ave., Richmond, Ca. - Mixed Use Multi-family Advanced Community Energy (ACE) “Ecoblock” project for the Richmond Marina area.
Community microgrid for unprecedented resilience
Passive House air sealing for ultimate healthy homes
US DOE Zero Energy Home certified
Condominiums, Market Rate and affordable apartments
Shared EV fleet
“Micro to Macro” E-mobility services eliminate the need for private vehicle ownership, increasing convenience and affordability
V2X (Vehicle to “X” energy transfer) creating unparalleled resilience and revenue for owners and the community
Community Market
Rooftop community terrace / gardens / kitchen
Ferry to SF
Marina living
Beautiful Parks
800 Upper Rd
4 brm, 4 en-suite baths, office+guest bath
Amazing sunrise
…and Sunsets